Friday 1 November 2013

Guess Which Super Model Went Old At Halloween?

Halloween season in Europe and America is a very big thing and Hollywood stars make it a priority to get the best costumes for the season. One particular star, who has become a Halloween enthusiast, is oldest Victoria Secret model, Heidi Klum. She manages to shock everyone else with most hideous looks every time.
For the 14th annual Halloween bash last Thursday, Klum transformed into a wrinkled old lady dressed geriatric by donning pearls, a white wig, a shirt-suit costumes and a crane. At a time when most aging models spend a fortune in search of the latest fountain of youth, Klum is very comfortable dishing her ‘future look’ while in her 40s. 
We couldn’t  recognize her at first sight and we wanna ask, did you know it was the stunning German model when you first saw this old monarchical woman?
Well, don’t worry; Klum shared the entire process through which her unbelievable transformation took place, thanks to an Oscar-winning make up team. Click!

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